Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment


Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment


Providing visitors with the skills and confidence to safely deal with difficult situations.

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You are great!

Donators 1 Donations
Created by:
Gemma Graville


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Lifeskills is an amazing, interactive village, complete with a road, shops and houses, where visitors can learn how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations by actually experiencing them. This includes practising different options of crossing our busy road, making healthy eating choices in our co-op shop, dealing with a dangerous situation down a dark alleyway, looking at different types of drugs and understanding their wide reaching effects, looking at why water safety is important or discovering a house fire and calling the emergency services. Having the opportunity to experience difficult situations, make choices and learn from mistakes is an incredibly effective and memorable way to learn. Our aim is not to wrap people in cotton wool but to give them the skills and confidence to do more, without putting themselves or others at risk.
The Centre is based in Bristol and caters for groups across the West of England area. Programmes are targeted at Year 6 children (10-11 years), people with learning difficulties and older people.


How to help?


Choose a campaign that you wish to support


Pack clothing into any type of bags you already have at home and select the date for them to be collected (we'll recycle or reuse all plastic)


With one click you can be sure, that you will benefit selected charity and also help in reducing the 1 billion plastic charity bags that pollute the environment

You can do even more, You are great!

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