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Fundraising has never been so simple, trustworthy and completely free.

Create and manage your own campaigns and campaigns for your Beneficiaries. Register completely free of charge and feel free to use it without any limits!

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Discover the benefits

Discover the benefits guaranteed by 1ste2be

We have selected three basic areas of benefits for you, which are guaranteed to you, the moment YOU join 1step2be.

We would like to describe them ALL in more detail, but we cannot deprive you of the joy of discovering the benefits for yourselves! We also pride ourselves on our guarantee that 1step2be is (and always will be!) a portal free of any charges and commissions!

Benefits for a Charity
the access to a free-of-charge and innovative tool
guaranteed source for receiving financial donations
possibility of receiving GIFT AID from the process of textiles monetisation
unlimited amount of starter campaigns and ability to decide the duration of the campaign and when to finish fundraising
a guarantee of 100% pay of money raised in each campaign
an access to a variety of analytical tools that are there to promote your charity’s work
an access to the tool managing financial donations given away for your beneficiaries
a likelihood of additional possible profitability from outside campaigns authorised by your Charity read more »

Free of charge!

The Charity image campaign
we start the process on your behalf, then give you full control to edit the campaign and change content
we will always collect and regularly pay you for all financial donations gained from the ordered textiles on your card for your campaign
campaign settlement is processed by the 10th of each calendar month
you create an alternative channel of communication, opposite to traditional ones, with your current donators. You can also reach potential donors, gathered in the 1step2be Helpers community
you increase the recognition of profile of your charity through your personal presence and charitable work in 1step2be’s innovative environment.

Free of charge!

Charities own campaigns
you can start as many as you wish
the goals of the established campaigns may cover statutory activity of the Charity, implemented initiatives, or the needs of your Charitie's beneficiaries
you define the duration of the campaign, deciding their definite or indefinite duration
you can extend or finish an ongoing campaign at any time
you can edit the content of your campaigns many times and in whatever way you wish
gathered financial funds we immediately pay to you at the end of each campaign

Free of charge!


Fill in the form and discover other benefits, at the same time enjoying the amounts of funds received!

We transfer
Of funds collected on campaigns established by you or your Beneficiary

How does it work in practice?

The donor orders the collection of textiles on the card of the chosen campaign

The courier takes the ordered bags with textiles and weighs them in the donor presence

The donor confirms the amount of collected kilograms, and thereby the amount of received funds

1kg = 13 pence, 1bag=£1

The whole amount received shows on the progress section of the supported campaign by the donor

It's simple, reliable, honest and... absolutely free-of-charge! :)


Fill in the form and discover other benefits, at the same time enjoying the amounts of funds received!      Get started

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